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Please click on the picture link to find our intent for each curriculum subject.

Art, Craft & Design

INTENT Children develop individual creativity as well as providing opportunities for


INTENT Science is taught weekly in an engaging, hands-on way so that children are inspired to

Religious Education

INTENT Our curriculum works with the City of York agreed syllabus and we aim to challenge


PSHE (Personal, social, health education) and SRE (sex and relationships education) Intent

Physical Education

INTENT Our PE curriculum aims to provide all children with high quality PE and sport provision.


Music is a core offer with specialised music teachers; a school choir and an orchestra. We have

Modern Foreign Languages

INTENT Through our curriculum we discover different countries and cultures which help to


Maths INTENT Our vision for maths at Osbaldwick is to develop confident, resilient learners who


INTENT Our aim is for children to develop a deep understanding of the history of their


INTENT At Osbaldwick Primary, we aim for a high quality geography curriculum which should

Forest School

Forest School Intent At Osbaldwick Primary Academy  we love to investigate, explore, experiment


Reading INTENT At Osbaldwick we want children to become lifelong readers and we aim to promote

Early Years

Early Years INTENT We view our Early Years children as competent, capable and creative with

Design and Technology

INTENT Design and technology is taught in all year groups through at least one topic per term.


INTENT The curriculum is broken down into three main parts: control systems (where children


INTENT We intend for children to be able to plan, revise and evaluate their writing. Children