Relationships, Health & Sex Education
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is learning about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, relationships, sex, sexuality and sexual health. It should support pupils to gain accurate information, develop skills and form positive beliefs, values and attitudes. It also gives pupils essential skills for building positive, enjoyable, respectful, loving and non- exploitative friendships and relationships, staying safe both on and offline. This enables them to take responsibility for their body, relationships, reproduction, sexual health and wellbeing. (NYCC)
Please click the link to view our full policy OPA Relationships and Sex Education Policy
The following statutory RSE areas of learning are covered within our PSHE curriculum:
Relationships Education | Health Education |
(puberty) |
Sex Education
At Osbaldwick Primary Academy we will be continuing to provide some additional content on sex education to meet the needs of our pupils in line with all primary schools within our trust. Parents have the right to request that their child be withdrawn from education on how a baby is conceived and born. These lessons will take place in Year 6. Please see our RSE policy for further details.
What does RSE look like in our school?
We teach the statutory RSE elements as part of our PSHE curriculum and have planned to deliver content at an age appropriate level, taking into account our children’s level of maturity and the needs of our community. Sessions are delivered weekly by trained staff and are responsive and relevant to our pupil’s needs.
Whilst PSHE lessons are taught discretely, themes and content have been carefully woven into our long term curriculum planning, making links to other curriculum areas and also addressed in assemblies and themed days/weeks over the course of the school year.
Parents, children, teachers and governors have been consulted about the teaching and learning of RSE at Osbaldwick Primary Academy.
Please see the links below to our RSE Policy, RSE long term plans and information shared with parents during consultation:
Links to:
Policy – Osbaldwick FINAL Relationships & Sex Education Policy -Sept.2024.docx (3)
PSHE LTP – OPA PSHE & SRE Long Term Plan (2)