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Christmas Newsletter

Dear Parents/Carers,

We have had a busy last few weeks in school.  A big well done to all children for their performances and lovely to see Parents, Grandparents and extended families in school. Thank you to Mr Potter for making school look so festive and bringing Christmas cheer to OPA.

St Olave’s Church Choir

we were treated to a wonderful Christmas Carol Concert by our choir in the beautiful setting of St Olaves Church. The children alongside the choir from Lakeside to a most appreciative audience. We are extremely proud of them. Thank you Mrs Marshall, Mrs Culley, Mrs Lister, Mrs Christmas, Mrs Ferguson and our amazing office staff for your involvement.

SEND Christmas Crafts


Thank you to Mrs Ferguson, Mrs Zambelli and Mrs Ross for organising a Christmas craft session for pupils with SEND. We had a great turn out and it was lovely to see the engagement from the children and pride sharing their craft work with parents.

Reindeer Rush


This was such a fun day in school. Mixy the mascot and Lenny the Bear launched our assembly which was hosted by York Mix and St Leonard’s Hospice. All the children and staff had a lot of fun keeping fit by running in our antlers whilst raising money for a fantastic cause. We have been humbled by the amount of money that pupils have brought in. We have yet to receive a grand total but as soon as we know we will let you know. Thanks for your support and generous donations.

Christmas Dinner/Jumper Day


Mrs Terry cooked the most amazing Christmas dinner and staff and children shared a special time together. A big thank you to our super kitchen staff and Midday Supervisors that keep our children safe and feed our pupils everyday.

EYFS/ KS1 Nativity and KS2 Carol Concert

Thank you so much for supporting our concerts and nativities. They have been a huge success with great turn outs of parents, grandparents and carers coming to see all the children. Lots of you have commented how much you enjoyed them and that’s down to the fantastic pupils and staff who are talented in equal measures. Lots of work behind the scenes and wonderful to see the children perform with such gusto!

KS1 Toy Museum


As part of their history topic Year 1 and Year 2 pupils exhibited their toys and their handwritten labels. Parents who visited the museum were really impressed. Well done children and The Key Stage One team.


Each half term teachers select some pupils who have consistently been on wow for behaviour. Today they enjoyed some party food and Christmas jokes!

20 Years and counting!


We recognised three members of staff with long standing service awards. Mrs Ferguson, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Hadden have been a credit to the profession making a difference in so many pupil’s lives. We are so grateful for all their commitment and it was lovely that as part of Ebor Academy Trust we are able to value staff in this way.

Poppy Appeal

A big thank you for the kind donations for the Poppy Appeal.  School raised £234.96.

New Nursery Starters – January 24

We have had stay & play sessions this week.  Salma is one of our new pupils who is really looking forward to starting with us (see picture below).


Merry Christmas

Lastly we hope you have a Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you all in January when the children (and staff) have recharged their batteries.

Mr Brown




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