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Welcome back 06/09/24

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back!

It has been lovely to see the children settle in to their new classes so quickly. All the staff are delighted with the positive attitudes and good manners from all the children. Mrs Heels, in our office, tells me that we have not had any lates thus far and our attendance is the best in our academy trust at 97%. I know we have only done three days but it’s a great start!

Our Reception pupils have settled in brilliantly. 

We have a new Crossing Patroller. Thank you to Mrs Hope for helping to keep our children safe every single day. Councillor Mr Rowley has put a plea out for parents to not park opposite drive ways in Broughton Way. Please park with consideration.

Lastly have a great weekend and we look forward to a fantastic year.

Mr Brown

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