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We have various clubs running each half term.

Next Term

Clubs for next term will be starting week commencing Monday 3rd June 2024 and will run for 7 weeks:

  • Tuesday – Y1&2 Choir Club – Mrs Marshall: 12.45-1.15pm
  • Tuesday – Y3- Y6 Choir Club – Mrs Marshall: 3.15-4.15pm
  • Tuesday – Y3-Y6 Rounders Club  – Mr Johns: 3.15-4.15pm – no club on Thursday 18th July
  • Thursday (lunchtime) Y2- Y6 Orchestra/Folk Ensemble Club – Miss Crawford: 12.30-1.15pm – no club on 11th or 18th July

To secure your child a place on the above clubs, please make payment on Parentpay.

If your child is attending a club it is important to note the end time of the club and ensure children are collected promptly especially as the nights are drawing in.