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Well Done to Ada Jobling for raising £6300 for charity and completing the Lions International Young Leaders Service Award

The Lions organise The Great Selby Bike Ride, and for the past two years, Ada has been a proud participant! She cycled 25 miles in her first year and tackled a challenging 45-mile route this year. Through her dedication and the local community donating, Ada has raised over £6,300...

Thank you to Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust …..

The school has won a bid for funding from Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust to develop our forest schools area. The first stage is a community clearance on Wednesday. Thank you to all the volunteers in advance.    

Forest School have been busy planting…..

Forest School have planted out 86 tree and hedgerow saplings with another 40 to go in at the Leyes site. These were purchased from funding gained through a successful application for free trees from the Woodland Trust, supporting our local wildlife and outdoor learning.

KS1 DT Project – Pupils make and sample healthy snacks

Our new KS1 DT project is around making a healthy snack. The children tried some different dips and dippers to inspire their own healthy dip which they will be making this week.

Deputy Manager Vacancy – Clifton Moor Out of School Club

Deputy Manager – Clifton Moor Out of School Club

Come and Join Osbaldwick Nursery

Click here to download a copy of the Osbaldwick Nursery Flyer here Click here to download a copy of the Osbaldwick Nursery Flyer here

What are Nursery up to this term ….

In Nursery Class this half term we are learning about growing and changing. To help us understand the world better we have started our learning with the life cycle of some plants. We have  been busy with lots of different activities inside and outside the classroom to help us...

Huge Thank You for Donating Books

A huge thank you to all parents and other family members that have donated books to school through our ‘wish list’ on our website. Having new books in our classrooms and libraries sparks brilliant discussions around reading and helps us keep our libraries up to date...

Ada is going the extra mile for a really good cause!!!

This year Ada has decided to enter the long 45 mile course of The Great Selby Bike Ride. Last Sunday she started her fundraising campaign meeting a journalist from The Selby Times for photos and an interview. She gave a compelling account of why she wants to do this incredible...